Throne of Darius Audio Book Now Available

Image may contain: text that says 'THRONE DARIUS The perfect series for fans of Military Historical Fiction "A rollicking good story! A totally different take on the story of Alexander of Macedonia." "Bold battles, fierce characters, military strategy, fresh take on history everything you want from military historical fiction in Throne of Darius. THRONE HHH DARIUS Û THROE H DARIUS MARK MCLAUGHLI AACaphinofTheboe G.MCLAUGHLIN FREE with KINDLE UNLIMITED'

 Throne of Darius – A Captain of Thebes
After Alexander of Macedonia savagely sacks the city of Thebes, three Theban survivors swear revenge and join the mercenary army that fights against Alexander when he invades the Persian Empire.
Fierce battles, epic characters, attention to historical detail, and humor, for a different take of Alexander’s history. You too will root for the underdogs of history!

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