Princess of Persia -2nd Book in Throne of Darius Series Sent to the Editor

Princess of Persia is on its way to the editor, Krystalia Papadimitriu in Athens.

It includes:

-the story so far
-cast ton charaktiron   (cast of characters/dramatis personae)
-table of contents
96 chapters
550 pages
The story picks up where Throne of Darius: A Captain of Thebes left off – with the Persian evacuation of Halicarnassus.  It follows the exploits of Memnon  and his campaign in the Aegean, Alexander’s march through Asia Minor, the undoing of the Gordion Knot,  the fall of Tarsus and the battle of Issus.
The cover artist, Scott, has already submitted a mock-up.  If all goes well we should be available end of June/early July.
….and I am already outlining the third book in the series: Throne of Darius: A Destroyer of Cities.   (The sieges of Tyre and Gaza and the march into Egypt)



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