Welcome to my website

Mark G. McLaughlinWelcome to my website.  After years of relying on Facebook and emails to keep in contact with those who enjoy my books and games, my editor finally decided that it was about damn time for me to start a website.   Fortunately, my friend and fellow gamer, Max Sewell, builds websites for a living, and he has built me a one of which I can be proud.  All four of my books, including my newest, Throne of Darius, are here, as are those of my 24 published games that are still available (or can be pre-ordered) from their publishers.I plan on posting something every day on at least one of those books – or games – and welcome comments and questions. Why? “Because it’s better that way!” *

*”Because it’s better that way!” is the motto of Princess Ryan’s Star Marines, the regiment whose name is also the title of my first novel as well as of a board game that was published by Avalon Hill in 1997.  There is, of course, a Princess Ryan – and she more than not just a character in the book and game; she is also my daughter.  Yes, there is a real Ryan, and she is now, has been, and always will be a Princess, and in the finest sense of the word. 

Princess Ryan's Star Marines



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