Another 5 Star Review of Throne of Darius!

Kindle Customer Darrell Combs USMC (Ret)

Reviewed in the United States on January 11, 2020

Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
I read many historical novels each year. Occasionally I purchase one written by an author not known to me. This was the case when I purchased The Throne of Darius: A Captain of Thebes. The premise of the story was attractive. The early years of ALEXANDER and how His actions affected the lives of thousands was captured by Mark McLaughlin in a truly engaging style.

His main characters were well developed and engaging. The physician ( who must have been somewhat modeled on “Bones” of Star Trek fame) and the hard working Theban Captain as siblings provided plenty of scope for humor and empathy as the brothers supported each other in multiple life or death situations!

The story moved along well with clear definitions of the changing points of view as each character moved in and out of the limelight.

This was a very entertaining book. I have been to some of the locations described in the book. Mr. McLaughlin depicts the essence of Naval. and Land Warfare across many historical sites with style. I wish there were more books in this series. The welcome surprise was that such an entertaining author had success in getting his most enjoyable work to a place I could find. Thanks for this fine story!

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